Blog 1: What's going on?

I have started this blog for my Press Theory and Democracy class. It will focus on how social media affects political opinion of citizens of the U.S. today.

I have chosen this topic specifically because of the election last year when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton for the United States presidency. He was not expected to win and up until the day of the election- Clinton was projected to defeat him by a healthy margin. Then the unthinkable happened, he won.

Well, he won the electoral vote.

Photo courtesy of
In her new book, Clinton disclosed what happened and the reasons of why she lost the election. Most of it focuses on how the Russian government "hacked" Facebook and other social media to share negative ads on her so people would vote for Trump.

Social media plays a vast role in American politics today. Even if you think that you won't change your mind just based on a Tweet or a Facebook post by a relative, you are still consuming tons of political content shared on social media.

So welcome to my blog.


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